Managing Baby Blues

Baby blues are feelings of sadness that you may have in the first few days after having a baby. Up to 4 in 5 new parents (80 percent) have the baby blues. It can affect new parents of any race, age, income, culture or education level. You are not to blame for how you feel. Feeling “blue” does not mean you did anything wrong. Most people experience baby blues 2 to 3 days after the baby is born. They can last up to 2 weeks. They usually go away on their own, and you don’t need any treatment. If you have sad feelings that last longer than 2 weeks, tell your health care provider. They may want to check you for a more serious condition called postpartum depression. The symptoms of postpartum depression are similar to the baby blues but they’re more severe and last longer. Hormone changes that happen after birth may cause the baby blues. After delivery, the amount of the hormones estrogen and progesterone suddenly decreases, causing mood swings. Emotional issues are another possible cause of the baby blues. You may be nervous about taking care of your new baby or be worried about how your life has changed since the baby was born. These thoughts can make you feel sad or depressed.
The baby blues usually go away on their own without treatment. Here are some things you can do to feel better:

  • Get as much sleep as you can.
  • Ask for help from your partner, family and friends. Tell them exactly what they can do for you, such as going food shopping or watching the baby while you shower or sleep.
  • Take time for yourself. Ask someone you trust to watch your baby so you can get out of the house. Getting some sunshine can help, too.
  • Try to connect with other new parents. A support group can be helpful. This is a group of people who have the same concerns. They meet to try to help each other.
  • Eat healthy foods and get exercise if you can. Exercise can help reduce stress.

  • As a new mother, you need to understand that addressing this common yet crucial issue is a requisite for your and your child’s well-being in the long run. If you stay stressed and annoyed, you cannot take care of the little angel that has just arrived in your world. Being a mother is a life-changing experience, thus in order to appreciate this time, patience and optimism are required. If you are suffering from stress, the first step is acknowledging it and then knowing the strategies to manage it. We agree that being a mother is a full-time job with lots of responsibilities, but self-care for Indian mothers is also necessary. It is okay to relax and take short breaks whenever you get an opportunity. Motherhood is not about working throughout the day and tiring yourself; it is about smartly managing the task and spending time on stress relief practices like meditation, yoga, massage, or leisure time, whatever helps you stay calm and happy. Take some time for an activity that you love since this enables you to rejuvenate mentally and emotionally. Family support during postpartum plays a vital role as every individual shares the responsibility of raising the child, which releases the burden on the mother. As a mother, you should also know that seeking support and sharing responsibility will not make you a bad mom. Motherhood is a full-time commitment, and therefore, you must know how to balance and manage time. The best strategy for time management for new moms is to plan the daily routine well, which includes feeding, baby bathing, and naptime, while prioritizing tasks based on their importance. You may keep getting input from everyone around you, which may increase the stress, but you should not try to meet everyone’s expectations. Focus on what you feel is suitable for your little one since you will always make the right decision for your baby. You may opt for traditional relaxation practices like massage therapy and postnatal yoga, as these work as effective stress busters. You can opt for Indian cultural stress relief therapies and get the best solutions for stress management.
    Mothers want the best for their babies, and this is feasible only when you are in the best physical and mental state.