Developing Self Confidence & Self Esteem

Everyone has their own definition of confidence, but when asked, women often touch on some common themes, including: having faith in your ability and pushing through self-doubt; being able to turn your skills into actionable positive steps; understanding that failure is part of progress; and being comfortable with self. Self esteem comes from the inside out. It means that a woman is not dependent upon anyone else to make her feel good about herself, because she already knows she's fine just the way she is. She is confident and aware of her strengths and abilities. She wants to share them with others. Cultivating higher self-esteem is important as it can benefit your well-being and positively affect your relationships, health, and career. Women can have a particularly difficult time developing and maintaining self-confidence. They tend to focus more on caring for others rather than themselves.

How do we help

Therapy can offer insights into how you view yourself, and may lead you to improved confidence and self-worth. We have trained therapists and counselors who work with women to delve into where their negative thoughts come from and reframe those thoughts. We encourage you to challenge any form of negativity and train you to replace any self-critical thoughts with positive and compassionate statements. We help you recognize your strengths and accomplishments, be kind to yourself, look after yourself, focus on the positives, spend time with people, learn to assert yourself, act confident even when you don't feel it and try something new. We provide you with customized modules which will help build your self confidence and self-esteem. Our mindtools have been created to encourage you to deal with negative thoughts and emotions and deal with issues in a more positive and affirmative manner.